Job Interviews

3 Phone Interview Tips To Build Your Confidence

3 Phone Interview Tips To Build Your Confidence

Do you get nervous before phone interviews? You are not alone… it's very common. Here are three tips to help you feel more confident, so you give better answers in your phone interview and get invited to the next step: the face-to-face interview. Related: How To Ace A Phone Interview

Wear Your Best, Most Confidence-Inspiring Suit

The clothes we wear have an impact on how we feel and how we behave. So, if you want to feel and sound like a professional on the phone, make sure you are wearing a professional suit. It will come across in your voice. If it's too tight or uncomfortable, your voice will show it. On top of that, you will be distracted, and may not give the best answers to interview questions.


Some job seekers believe they don't have to do anything before the phone interview—but those are the job seekers who aren't likely to move on to the face-to-face. The more you can learn about the company and the job before the interview, the better off you are. You want to study their website, and look them up on LinkedIn. Find others who have worked for the company and see if you can learn anything from their profiles. Of course, Google the company to find out what's going on with them. Based on your research, make a list of questions to ask. You may not get to all of them, but having questions to ask of your own will help you perform better. In addition, write out answers (or outline them) to common interview questions, so you don't forget important points. With all of this pre-interview work, you will give better answers to questions, you will ask more intelligent questions, and you will be more confident. There is nothing like knowing you are prepared and ready for anything to calm your nerves.

Be Extra-Organized

Before your phone interview is scheduled to begin, print out all of your papers and notes and lay them out in front of you—your resume, your notes about points you want to make, notes about the company, your list of questions and answers, and a blank sheet of paper to take notes on. Paper is better than computer in this instance, because it's easier, quieter, and more reliable. The last thing you want is a computer that freezes up, or tell-tale clicking in the background that makes it seem like you're not paying attention to the conversation. Your ability to have all of these “cheat sheets" in front of you is one of the only advantages of phone interviews, so you should make the most of it. Have the best phone interview of your life with my eBook available on Amazon, How to Ace Your Phone Interview: 37 Top Tips for the Best Interview of Your Life..This post was originally published at an earlier date.Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert.
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