9 Questions To Ask Yourself During A Job Search

9 Questions To Ask Yourself During A Job Search

"Be all you can be." Do you remember that TV ad the American army used for a time? Stop and think right now. Are you really doing everything in your power to move forward in your job search? Here are nine key questions to self-assess:

1. What Do I Really Want?

The question of the ages. Find something that you are good at. Look at interests - they are the cornerstone of career decision making. Take advantage of assessments, positive performance evaluations, job placements, and credentialed career practitioners to assist you.

2. Should I Really Change?

This is going to depend on what STAGE of change you are:
  • Pre-contemplation (no intent to change where the job seeker is).

Ex: "I just need a job because my parents/spouse... and then everything will be fine."

  • Contemplation (desire to change; confidence to start)

Ex:" I really want to work. I don't want to be unemployed."

  • Preparation (decision to change)

Ex: "I've started to use my new skills and now I'm going to a job placement."

  • Action (attaining goals). "I know where I want to go now."
  • Maintenance (planning for high risk situations)

Ex: "It feels good to be working all these years."

The stages of change model (SOC), has been effective for youth, newcomers and people with disabilities. If your are in stage one, you do NOT have motivation to move forward.

3. What's The Bright Side Of A Long Job Search?

One of my counselling trainers said, "No problem exists twenty-four-seven except chronic illness." Tell yourself that unemployment is temporary. Even better, tell yourself that others are experiencing worse things than you right now. Re-frame your negative-talk so it doesn't sabotage career success.

4. Am I Comfortable With What I'm Doing?

See #2. Sometimes the best career decisions involve SOME degree of discomfort. Gauge your results and outcomes, otherwise, step out of your comfort zone. Underestimate, instead of overestimating goals and action plans.

5. Do I Have Enough Resources/Support?

No matter how dire your situation SEEMS or may be, don't discount resources and supports like friends, faith, pets, and so on. Your support network is your life line during your period of unemployment or lengthy job search.

6. Am I Happy At Where I Am Today?

Once again, refer to the stage of change. Unless you take measures to fine tune your job search periodically, the likelihood exists for an impasse, or "being stuck" without a course of action.

7. Am I Appealing To Others?

Are you likeable enough to be hired? Do you have emotional intelligence? There is abundant evidence that EI is an important hiring/recruiting tool for employers. The Canadian and American military have used EI for some years.

8. What Motivates Me?

Start with this question, "When was I LAST motivated at work or volunteer opportunity?" What were you doing that acted as sources of motivation? Clientele, product, work environment, responsibility, variety on the job?

9. What Really Makes Me Tick?

Your inner resources will be the key to this answer. Nine questions you should ask to yourself in a job search: a preparation to self-improvement. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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