When Is It Too Early To Quit?

When Is It Too Early To Quit?

If this question is asked on any Internet search engine, the answer will most likely be “it is always too early to quit!” Related: Too Legit To Quit: 9 Reasons To Stay At Your Job The ability to push through all of the challenges that stand between you and achieving your goals is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Challenges come and they come to make you stronger. Meet the challenge and you gain a new skill, a new level of confidence, or a new lesson to share with the people that are depending on you and rooting for your success. Winston Churchill has a famous quote, “If you’re going through hell, keep going!” What that means to me is, if I stop, I never get to see what’s on the other side! Good, bad, or indifferent, I never learn what I could have done. All too often, we quit right before our break through happens. We sit and watch our friends, classmates, and colleagues reap the benefits of pushing through the challenges. We are often left questioning ourselves feeling worse than we felt when we made the decision to give up. Legendary speaker Les Brown writes in his book, “It’s not over until you win!” That hunger must drive you past your naysayers, challenges, and negative thoughts. He says in his speeches, “…some people are negative, they say no seven times before they get to yes…” I have an aunt that instilled in me the Vince Lombardi quote, “The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." Another thing that separates successful and unsuccessful people is the wiliness to work. Hungry people starve because they don’t do the work to get their food. Quitting is the exact opposite of Manifest One Empowerment Group’s five River Rocks: Faith, Family, Focus, Fidelity, and Fortitude. Fortitude especially to us means: having the STRENGTH and COURAGE to persevere through adversity; GUMPTION, no guts no glory! Never be afraid of challenges, they come to make you stronger. It is always too early to quit! This post was originally published on an earlier date.

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