Career Change

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Quitting

Many national studies conducted over the last few years have shown that more and more Australians are unhappy at work. Whether it’s the long hours, lack of recognition, bad pay, lack of management, or some other reason, there are a whole lot of people around the country who regularly think about quitting their job. Related:Exit Strategy: How To Plan Your Resignation Are you one of those people who fantasizes about handing in your resignation? If so, there are five simple questions that you should ask yourself to see if telling the boss to “shove it” is really the right move.

1. Do you feel underappreciated?

This is often one of the first reasons why people start looking around for other employment. Often it is a question of wages. Many employees feel they are undervalued or are not being paid enough for the job they are doing. In fact, this may be the case and if you are interested to see what the industry standard is for your line of work, check out a recruitment salary guide, such as the 2014 guide from global recruiter Robert Half, for a comparison to see if you really are getting what the industry thinks you are worth. Although low wages are a big factor in people quitting their jobs, just as many people want to hand in their resignation due to hating their job or boss. If you find that you wake up each day dreading going to work or hating the idea of having to see your manager again, it does appear that it’s time to consider quitting. Look for a company and a manager that will be a better fit instead and you’re sure to soon wake up feeling much happier about going off to work.

2. Have your career interests or aspirations changed?

If you find that you’ve lost interest in the industry, then it might in fact be time for a change. There generally isn’t any point limiting yourself to a job that you find boring or unfulfilling, especially if there is something else that you feel is your true calling. Over time interests, wants, needs and personalities change, and jobs often need to be updated to keep up with these movements as well.

3. Is there still room left for career advancement?

Sometimes you might feel that there isn’t much room left to grow career-wise. If you are worried that you might find yourself stuck in the same position with little or no room to grow or advance your career, then it might be time to start looking for a company (or group of companies) where your skills will be given the chance to expand.

4. Is your company in trouble or are big changes coming?

Do you feel like the writing is on the wall, so to speak, at your current workplace? If you feel like layoffs, pay decreases or salary freezes are on the cards then it might be time to look at moving jobs ASAP. This is especially the case if you think there might be many other people from your company saturating the job market in the near future.

5. Do you have to compromise your ethics and values in your current role?

No one wants to work for a company or a manager that makes them feel like they have to compromise their integrity in order to stay employed. If you find that you often have to make decisions that compromise your ethics and values at work it’s time to seek employment at a company that is more aligned to your values. It might even be wise to alert authorities or industry bodies to what you see going on at your current employer. Before you hand in your resignation, it is important that you seek advice and keep a level head. Speak to a recruitment agency such as Robert Half for an outside perspective before making any rash decisions.

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