
It Takes More Than A Resume To Get A Job

It Takes More Than A Resume To Get A Job

If you're visiting this web site, you understand the importance of having a polished looking resume to use during your job search. Whereas having a marketable resume is extremely important, a fantastic resume by itself won't get you a job. Related:Your Resume Is The Reason You Don't Get Interviews So, what do you do with your resume now that it has been tweaked (and proofread three times) and is ready for distribution?

Send It To Your References

It's really helpful to give your references something to reference while they're recommending you. It also helps jog a person's memory about any previous jobs you may have discussed with them in the past.

Carry It Around With You

Whenever you walk into a job fair, networking event, or even lunch with a colleague, you should have several printed copies of your resume with you. Think about how often the subject of work comes up, and someone ends up saying, “Send me your resume and I'll see what I can do." Giving them a paper copy right then and there emphasizes your urgency and speaks well of your preparation. Just be sure to follow up with an electronic version that they can forward to their connections.

Post It Online

It's a tedious task, but uploading your resume to job boards like CareerBuilder and specific company Web sites in advance will save you time when you see a specific job for which you'd like to apply. Plus it gets you into that company's database, where you may then be searchable to their hiring managers. If you don't want to spend hours uploading it yourself check out resume distribution services.

Use It To Build Your Brand

Having a copy of your polished resume in front of you as you create or update your LinkedIn profile, Google profile, Twitter page, or any other social media presence will help ensure you're conveying a consistent message. That's the way to build a personal brand! A rock-solid resume is essential to any successful job search. If you work your resume, it will work for you! This post was originally published on an earlier date.

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About the author

Jessica Holbrook Hernandez, CEO of Great Resumes Fast is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, and presenter. Want to work with the best resume writer? If you would like us to personally work on your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile—and dramatically improve their response rates—then check out our professional and executive resume writing services at or contact us for more information if you have any questions. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert.
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