3 Ways To Get Inspired At Work Today

3 Ways To Get Inspired At Work Today

Be happier at work today! It's time to inspire yourself on your journey to career happiness.

Get Inspired At Work

Here are five ways that you can get inspired today (without even leaving your desk!).

1. Makeover Your Workspace

Surrounding yourself with items that make you happy is a key part of inspiration. According to Forbes Magazine, it's better to have photos or items that remind you of what makes you happy everyday rather than things that remind you of what made you happy once. So, try trading in your Eiffel Tower souvenir for a funny candid photo of your family or friends instead.

2. Create A Career Inspiration Board On Pinterest

Pinterest has blown up because it helps people connect and share what inspires them through pictures and videos. A good way to inspire yourself is to create a Career Inspiration board and "pin" anything that inspires you to push a little harder at work, or even in life in general. Whether it's a quote, a piece of artwork, or a photo of someone that inspires you, pin it! Check out our Career Inspiration board and get inspired!

3. Make A List Of Your Career Goals

A great way to motivate yourself is to create a list of your career goals and post them somewhere you can see everyday. Make sure you don't hide it on your computer or in a drawer somewhere. You want to keep these goals in a place that will easily remind you of your goals on a daily basis. That way, they will be constantly on your mind. Check out this creative way to list your goals with Post-It Notes! What inspires you at work? Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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