Job Interviews

Why Do Employers Ask Nasty Interview Questions?

Why Do Employers Ask Nasty Interview Questions?

Why do interviewers ask nasty interview questions? You might think they're just out to get you, but they're not. In fact, it's pretty understandable that they ask so many annoying questions. Here's a look from the employer's point of view: Every time a company hires someone, it's a huge investment (time and money). The average cost of hiring somebody is actually 130% of their salary because of additional taxes, fees, and benefits. YIKES! And, of course, if they have to let you go, it's not fun for anyone. That's why they want to make sure they get exactly what they are looking for. Pretty reasonable, right? "It's a very important decision to hire someone," says J.T. O'Donnell, founder of CAREEREALISM. "You can't underestimate that." If you lack confidence in yourself to do the job, the employer is going to sense it. If this is the case, naturally, the interviewer is going to want to dig deeper to make sure you can really handle the position. "If you truly want to conquer interviews, especially nasty interview questions, there is nothing like some heavy duty prep," O'Donnell. "Interview prep is vital." Here are some tips:

  • Write down all of the interview questions you could get
  • Write/repeat the answers to those questions
  • Work with a coach and/or a friend on your answers to make sure they sound genuine
If a new job really means something to you, if you want to sell yourself into a new role or a better role, you need to bring your A-game," says O'Donnell. Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:   Photo Credit: Shutterstock To get started, check out our Interview Prep Tool. It has a list of 18 interview questions you must prepare for and foolproof interview questions for you to ask.
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