4 Reasons Why Working Irregular Hours Is Great

4 Reasons Why Working Irregular Hours Is Great

So, you're looking for a new career but you're put off by the idea of irregular working hours. Did you ever think about how this could actually work to your advantage? Avoid the hum-drum of 9-5 and think outside the box. There are plenty of great reasons why taking on a career with irregular working hours could turn out to be the best thing you will ever do.

1. You can follow your dreams

Imagine what you could achieve if you did whatever it is you get most joy out of in life as your first priority every day. This is your chance to go for those big dreams. Pursue creative hobbies, favorite sports, further study or setting up your own business… whatever it is that inspires you! You will have time to attend classes, research your ideas and be creative. All this makes you a happier and much more interesting person to be around. Since many people deliberately choose irregular hours so they can focus on their art, acting, dancing, music, writing, sport or long term career goals you’ll probably find that your co-workers are more interesting, too.

2. You can live like a rock star

While others are getting up to invasive alarm clocks and battling peak hour traffic, you get to sleep in and do things to your own rhythm. With less people around you get the gym to yourself and don’t have to battle queues running errands at the bank and post office. Make the most of your sunshiny days at the non-crowded beach or outdoor parks whilst the office workers in high-rise buildings just get to look out the windows in envy! When it is time for work, your commute will be made quicker and easier by travelling in non-peak traffic times.

3. You can enjoy quality family time

You just can’t get back those precious hours of a child growing up without you. If you’ve got a family, here is your chance to spend quality time with the kids during the day when they are playing, learning and loving at their best. With a partner working opposite hours, you might be able to save a bundle on childcare costs, too.

4. You can save your money

It’s not just families that can save money by working irregular hours. Just think about how much a big night out costs you. While everyone else is out on a Saturday night throwing money down the proverbial toilet, or sitting home wishing they had something better to do, you can be happy in the knowledge that you are putting dollars in the bank. Plus, there are the invaluable benefits working in jobs like hospitality such as free meals in restaurants and use of things like hotel gyms for off duty workers. In fact, a lot of companies that offer jobs with irregular working hours are big supporters of a healthy balance of work and life and foster this belief when it comes to their employees. Hotel chains such as Crowne Plaza offer employee benefits like worldwide travel discounts and duty meals to make this even more enjoyable. So, rather than focusing on the FOMO (fear of missing out) on the odd social occasion, enjoy your time off the boring treadmill and make those irregular working hours work for you!

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