How A Business Degree Can Advance Your Career

How A Business Degree Can Advance Your Career

Are you wondering how a business degree can advance your career? The economy is on an upswing, but the job market is still a tough nut to crack. People displaced by job loss find themselves facing months of endless job searching with no offers. Instead of trying to crack the job market, it may be time to consider a career change or the education necessary to make yourself more marketable. The right education can better prepare you for rapid success. With unemployment rates in the Miami area at 8.7% this is a good time to return to college. A bachelor’s degree in business administration is an excellent starting point to career advancement. Professionals looking for larger, six figure salaries should seriously consider a Master’s Degree (MBA) in business administration.

How A Business Degree Can Advance Your Career

A few possible jobs (and average annual salaries in Miami) for those with a degree in business administration include:
  • City Manager - $76,000
  • Public Relations Manager - $68,000
  • Marketing Manager - $64,000
  • Hotel or Motel Manager -$65,000
  • Department Store Manager - $25,000
  • Healthcare Administrator - $70,000
  • Training Manager - $53,000
These numbers are fan average and could be more or less depending on education and experience. However, with the average cost of living in the Miami area between $37,000-60,000, depending on the number of people in your household, a business administration degree can provide necessary income for the family. The degree also leaves room for salary improvement and job security. The job market in business administration is expected to grow by 20% by the year 2018. That means there is security in investing in a degree in the years to come. Just keep in mind that employers also value experience in the field as much as a degree to go with it. You will need both to capitalize on potential income and employment.

MBA Vs. Bachelor Of Business Administration

The largest difference between an MBA and a BBA is in four main differences between the educations you receive. Teaching format in a BBA program is more basic where an MBA program is more in-depth. In undergraduate classes students listen to and participate in basic lectures. They do not include the level of teamwork that graduate studies require. While MBA classes are more open to discussion, BBA classes are based more on lecture with occasional discussion. By allowing MBA students to control the flow of the discussion it brings a variety of experience to the table for everyone to learn from. As previously mentioned, MBA programs are more about working with a team. This environment allows students to learn more about real-life workplace skills. BBA programs require students to do more of their own work on an individual basis. The degree requirements are also different. To receive a BBA a student must generally complete 120 credits, of which only 36-42 credits are in the field of business administration while the rest are arts and sciences courses. To receive an MBA student must complete 60 credits, all of which are advanced career-focused courses. A student seeking and MBA cannot enter the program until completing a bachelor’s degree in a business related major. Usage and salary are another difference between BBA and MBA programs. Some employers require a minimum of a bachelor’s while others require a master’s. Before signing up for a Master’s program make sure you want a career that will benefit from it. A student who receive a BBA is then qualified for entry-level positions. Generally upper management positions require both experience and an MBA. The largest difference between the two is in the salary. Undergraduate students who receive a BBA earn an average of $54,000 annually. Graduate students receive an average of $107,000 annually. Regardless of which path you choose, there is one thing for certain that can be said about a business administration degree. A degree will give you a wide range of skills that enhance job placement in leadership roles. Getting a Business administration degree by taking business administration courses in Miami can help to advance your career goals. With this type of degree you gain a unique set of skills that give you proficiency in people management, organizational strategies, leadership, and business focused computer application.

What Do I Do After Graduation?

Once you finish the program, or are close to graduation, turn your career goals into a reality. Take to your student adviser about job placement programs available to you. Many colleges have programs in place to help graduates successfully find jobs. Prepare your elevator pitch. You never know where you will meet a potential employer so be prepared to wow them in less than a minute. Be aware of what turns career recruiters off when they meet potential employees. Create an interview cheat sheet. Being prepared for an interview will increase your chances of wowing them during. These skills will help you get the interview and get called back for more. Take the time to obtain a business accounting degree and invest in your job security now. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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