The Best Apps to Use in Your Job Search

The Best Apps to Use in Your Job Search
Apps job search image from Bigstock

With both the increasing number of graduates looking for jobs and the cuts in many industries, it’s important you use any available resources to find a job that’s right for you. Searching for a job has changed throughout the years, as it’s no longer possible to turn up with your CV and expect a job straight away. With huge amounts of competition, it’s vital that you make the most of social media and look for job vacancies online. With many employers tweeting about jobs online or sharing them on their Facebook page, you could be missing out on opportunities if you’re not part of social networking. Whether you are looking for big city living and jobs in Sheffield, or London, or a job in a smaller area, searching through apps will help you find your ideal job role. Mobile technology has changed the way that companies search for employees, as apps are frequently being used to advertise the latest jobs and apprenticeship schemes. If you’re looking for jobs on the go, here are some of the best apps to use on your job search:


Unlike many apps that may cost you money, the LinkedIn app is free and enables you to upload your CV and any experience online for all employers to see. This is a great way to network, and it will ensure that members of LinkedIn can contact you about job openings if you add your details. This app also allows you to search for any relevant industry news and gives you the chance to join a specific group that advertises jobs you may be interested in. If you are already in work, this is also useful as you can search for any potential colleagues that you might meet at work.

Internship Seeker

Internship Seeker is also a free app and is great for those that need extra experience before full-time employment. Today, experience is highly valued, so it’s good to gain knowledge and understanding of companies in those areas you want to progress in for the future.


Always forgetting your business card at every networking opportunity? SnapDat allows you to have a virtual copy ready on your phone that can be e-mailed, which saves you having to search through your bag trying to find a spare card! This can be adjusted to your individual style with an original logo, and can also be sent to any other SnapDat user.


Although it sounds similar to LinkedIn, LinkUp keeps you updated with the latest jobs whilst you’re on the go. Rather than waste your time with jobs that have been taken, this app will post genuine listings from company websites that will be readily available. With this app you can search for listings quickly such as a particular company and apply straight from your phone!

Jobs by

You would probably think that jobs by is a site like any other, but what it actually does is use GPS to track your location and find jobs near you! This will make sure there’s never any excuses for finding a job in your local area. With most apps available free of charge, it’s a great idea to start using them as an additional way to find the right job for you. This article was written by All The Top Bananas; the UK’s job search engine. Whether you are looking for jobs in Sheffield, or across the UK, contact the site today.
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