Challenge: Close Your Email For 1-Hour

Challenge: Close Your Email For 1-Hour

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to close your email for one hour. Email, while convenient, is also a massive time waster. Many of us spend hours in our inboxes responding to emails. As a result, our other duties are pushed off until later in the day. Worse, if you keep your email open throughout the day, chances are you get distracted every time a new message pops up. Again, this takes away from your actual work. Whether you get 300 emails a day or three, it’s important to chance your email habits so you can concentrate on your work and manage your time more effectively. Today, challenge yourself to close your email for at least one hour. Don’t leave it in an open tab, don’t check it, and disable any desktop notifications. Another trick you can do is to set designated email times during the day. So, for example, you could only allow yourself to check emails from 9-9:30am, 12:-12:30pm, and 4:30-5pm. That way, you can use the rest of your day to get other projects done. How long do you close your email for during the day? Do you have designated email times? Tell us!

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