Challenge: Perform One Random Act Of Kindness Today

Challenge: Perform One Random Act Of Kindness Today

Today's Work It Daily Challenge is to perform one random act of kindness today. Don't you love it when people are extra nice to you, just because? Doesn't it change your outlook for the day? Doesn't it put you in a good mood? Everyday, there are people out there who go out of there way just to make someone else's day. They don't do it for money. They don't do it for favors. They just do it because it makes them feel good. When was the last time you went out of you way to help someone else? Making time to help others or make them smile can seem impossible sometimes, especially when you're dealing with your own stresses and frustrations. Whether you're stuck in a career rut or just having a bad day, performing a random act of kindness might be give you the little boost of happiness you need to keep going. In fact, being nice to other people, just for the sake of being nice, actually benefits you in the long run. Studies show that performing random acts of kindness helps with stress, makes you feel more fulfilled, and even makes your heart work better. Those all sound like GREAT benefits to me! Today, your challenge is to perform one random act of kindness. Think about the little things people do, just because, to make you smile. Whether it's opening a door for someone, buying the person behind you a cup of coffee, or leaving an extra big tip for your server, little gestures of kindness can go a long way. What's your favorite random act of kindness? What did you do to make someone else smile today? Tell us!

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