Employment Benefits: Negotiating For Life Insurance As Part Of Your Salary
April 04, 2014
You base your life on integrity and diligence. You are a worthy employee working for a well-established company. Salary negotiations can be complex and have to be considered seriously, at different times in your career, so that you are sure to be receiving fair compensation for your time and energy investments. Related: Why You Need To Negotiate More Than Just Your SalaryThere are several solid reasons to include life insurance into your overall strategy for negotiating your salary package. Let's take a closer look.
Reasons to negotiate for life insurance coverage at your job:
Life insurance is more than just a vehicle to gain a death benefit payout from. Obtaining and maintaining the maximum feasible level of life insurance is an integral element of your comprehensive financial portfolio. Life insurance policies gain value, after time, as you pay into them. This money is usable and accessible to policyholders. Whole life insurance policies can be borrowed against, and thereby used as a viable funding source for some of life's monumental milestones like:- Paying for college tuition
- Paying for your dream wedding
- Putting a down payment on a new home
- Funding the launch of a business