
Learn The ABC’s Of Holiday Networking

Learn The ABC’s Of Holiday Networking

The motto of real estate is location, location, location. The motto of job seekers should be network, network, network. The holidays provide a unique opportunity to do just that. It's a perfect time to meet new people and reconnect with others through parties, holiday events, and greeting cards. Tap into this ready-made resource through what I call the ABC’s of holiday networking which are Absorb information on potential job leads, Build relationships and Connect with others.

Absorb Information

There is a great likelihood you will be attending at least a couple of parties/events this holiday season. During these gatherings, absorb as much job related information as you can. Begin by seeking out people you have never met or don’t know well and asking them about their job. This will be an easy ice-breaker since most people love to talk about their professions- be it good or bad. If the person seems happy in their organization, ask if he knows of any upcoming job opportunities. He may also know of other openings in his industry, which may prove to be very valuable in your job search.

Build Relationships

Another positive aspect of holiday gatherings is that you are exposed to a wider population which gives you opportunity to build relationships with people outside your network of acquaintances. For example, while at a recent party I attended, I met a lady who worked for a government organization involved in assisting job seekers. She was very interested in what I did and I was also eager to learn more about what she did. We exchanged business information and agreed to get together soon. I probably could have called this organization and received a contact name but being at the party allowed me an opportunity to build a relationship.

Connect With Others

An often overlooked networking tool is the simple greeting card. You can reconnect with those you don’t have regular contact with by sending them a holiday card. Mention in the card that you are seeking new opportunities and include what companies you are targeting. Ask your acquaintances to contact you if they know of anyone associated with your target companies. Please sure to include your phone number and e-mail address in the card so that they can easily connect with you. This holiday season, remember to mix a little networking in with your fun traditions. It may lead to a new job, and what a wonderful gift that is! Image Credit: Shutterstock
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