Personal Branding

14 Things That Impact The Quality Of Your Personal Brand

14 Things That Impact The Quality Of Your Personal Brand

Quality and personal excellence are two key elements of your personal brand. The degree to which you fully embrace the importance of these elements is communicated to others on a continuous basis and is incorporated into others' vision of who you are (i.e. the personal brand that you broadcast). RELATED: The Perfect Recipe For A Great Personal Brand Those who are fully aware of this fact can definitely undertake action to broadcast a personal brand that elevates their professionalism through conscious focus on quality and personal excellence. Here are 14 things that impact the quality of your personal brand:

  • Every e-mail message you send to someone else.
  • Every voicemail message you leave for someone.
  • The voicemail message others hear when they try to reach you.
  • Your e-mail "signature."
  • Any and all social media profiles you have on networking sites online: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook.
  • Every written deliverable you submit to anyone else - report, analysis, memo, white paper, article, newsletter, letter, brochure.
  • Any presentation you make in front of anyone else.
  • Every business card you hand out to someone else.
  • The manner in which you greet a stranger or anyone else you meet for the first time.
  • The manner in which you present yourself physically - your style of dress and grooming.
  • Every conversation you have with another person.
  • The quality of the people you "hang around with."
  • The role you play in community and professional organizations.
  • The degree of kindness and compassion you communicate to others in every interaction you have.
Each of the above activities represent an opportunity to communicate a high level of quality and personal excellence. Missing the beat on any one of these activities represents a chink in your chain of successfully offering a consistent message of your commitment to quality and personal excellence. Take an inventory of how well you are broadcasting your personal brand elements of quality, excellence, and professionalism through all of the above activities. Commit today to a personal program of continuous improvement. In today's market, there is no question the personal brand elements of quality and personal excellence are more important than ever. The value you add to your employer, your clients, your professional network, and your personal network will be significantly enhanced through relentless attention to these elements. This post was originally published at an earlier date.Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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