LinkedIn E-mail Embarrasses Unemployed Person

LinkedIn E-mail Embarrasses Unemployed Person
A very irate client of mine forwarded me an e-mail that went out from LinkedIn to all of his connections. Maybe some of you have gotten this e-mail? It’s filled with pictures of your LinkedIn connections with random comments posted next to some of the photos. It’s designed to drive you to LinkedIn to see what your connections are up to. One of the comments is, “Check out ___’s new job!” The problem is, my client doesn’t have a new job! In fact, my client joined recently because he has been unemployed and feverishly looking for work. So imagine my client’s dismay, frustration, and feelings of humiliation when he had to e-mail each person in the network that forwarded on congratulations about getting a new job to let them know he wasn’t in a new position. He sent the following e-mail to LinkedIn:
Dear LinkedIn, One of my connections sent me this e-mail he had received from you. Many of my other connections received it as well. To be clear, I HAVE NOT FOUND ANOTHER JOB!!! I am still "in between" positions. Many people have been viewing my profile today to see what my new job is. It has been extremely embarrassing ALL day to tell people I still do not have a job. I have NOT updated my profile with a new job at all. Why have you done this to me! Thanks for making me feel worse.
Has this happened to you? How would you handle it? LinkedIn is meant to help people find work, but in this case, I’d say the automated attempt to share info with members backfired. Do you agree?