Stop Making These 3 LinkedIn Mistakes IMMEDIATELY!

Stop Making These 3 LinkedIn Mistakes IMMEDIATELY!

Whenever I talk to clients or run a workshop, I always talk about the importance of LinkedIn in their job search. Related:5 People You Should Ask For LinkedIn Recommendations However, many people assume that by just creating their profile, recruiters will start approaching them daily. It's not quite as simple as that. Today, I’d like to share some mistakes candidates make on LinkedIn that prevent them from getting hired:

1. Mass mailing everyone in their network.

As a recruiter, I get many LinkedIn requests and emails daily. The ones that really annoy me are from people who clearly haven’t bothered to review my profile (or they just don’t care, but the result is the same – I delete their email). If they did, why would they ask me to help them find a job in Supply Chain in Dubai or in Investment Banking? Clearly my profile states I manage recruitment for Expedia brand, an online travel company in Europe! Unless you are going to customize your message, you’re wasting your time. There is nothing more annoying than candidates who connect with recruiters on LinkedIn and then email 30 of them in one go, hoping someone will respond. Don’t ever spam people and always customize your message if you want people to treat you seriously.

2. Not putting any effort in your LinkedIn profile.

A good LinkedIn profile will be filled out in full, you need a strong headline, strong achievement-driven Summary section, you need recommendations and the right keywords to show up in search results. You need to be active on LinkedIn in terms of participating in groups or forums, posting interesting, and relevant articles or information about your projects, and so on.

3. No keywords or too many keywords.

While you need some specific keywords related to your area of expertise (e.g. Accounts Payable, SEO, affiliate marketing, SalesForce, Javascript, etc.) to ensure you get found in search engines, you need to ensure the keywords make sense and are relevant to your area of expertise. Don’t just stuff your profile with too many keywords because you think it’ll help you in your search results – search engines can actually penalize you for doing that. Use keywords but use your common sense as well. I hope these tips have helped you. If you want to learn not only how to use LinkedIn effectively, but how to find unadvertised jobs and how to get more interviews in a competitive job market, download my free 3-part video course Smart Strategies to Get More Interviews here.

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