
How To Keep Recruiters From Skipping Over Your LinkedIn Profile

How To Keep Recruiters From Skipping Over Your LinkedIn Profile

Did you know that, according to a recent Jobvite study, an astonishing 92% of recruiters use a LinkedIn profile to find great candidates? Related: 6 Things Recruiters Want To See On Your LinkedIn Profile Couple that with the estimated 80%+ of positions that go unadvertised on job boards, and you have a powerful opportunity to land a plum position without ever blasting your resume out into the ether (or competing with the thousands of other people who are doing so). Sound interesting? In this post, I'm going to lay out some actions that will pay off big in terms of getting your LinkedIn Profile noticed by recruiters:

1. The First 100 Words Of The LinkedIn "Summary" Section Matter More Than Anything Else On Your Profile.

A recruiter will spend seconds evaluating someone's profile- make this part excellent and you'll immediately increase how many incoming communications you receive from them. Focus on the following: What's your story? What's your unique perspective on the work you do? Here's an example of a great opening: People. Processes. Products. These three elements have been at the heart of my career in IT, and inform the work I do in helping companies embrace change and spark transformative growth. Include in-demand industry keywords within the first 50 words of the Summary. Bullet points are fine here. Examples:
  • Clinical Development
  • Regulatory Submissions
Offer a clear path to connecting with you within the second 50 words. Phone number (you can use Google Voice or a Skype-to-Go number here which forwards to your main phone when you want it to). Email address. Website. Don't make someone have to search through your profile for this information, make it obvious.

2. Cater To How Recruiters Search For Candidates.

The most important fields used by recruiters who are seeking out candidates on LinkedIn are:


Instead of listing your home zip code, insert the zip code of a major metropolitan area or region which you're interested in working in.


Does your LinkedIn Headline simply list your current position title? Swap it out for something which paints a more comprehensive picture (ex. instead of Managing Director, South America insert Senior Executive, Retail with over 20 years of excellence in YOY revenue growth and operational turnarounds.) You have 120 characters to play with in this section- use it!


If you're not currently working, set the end date for your last position to "Present." If an end date is listed, it won't show up in recruiter search results (you don't want that). Another option here is to create a new position describing non-FT work you're engaged in (such as consulting projects, work with a non-profit, and so on). Just make sure it is directly relevant to the type of role you want. Never list "unemployed," "in transition" or similar phrases on your profile.


Choose the industry you want to be a part of, not necessarily the one you're in now. For example, if you're in the Medical Devices industry but wish to move into Pharmaceuticals, then list Pharmaceuticals on your profile.


Use LinkedIn's "Advanced Search" function to pull up profiles of people who currently have the job you want. Check out their "Skills & Endorsements" section: which keywords rise to the top time and time again? Insert all of the ones which you possess within your own profile.

A Few More Tips:

Make sure your LinkedIn Photo is friendly, engaging and appropriate for your age, experience, and industry. Your face should take up the bulk of the picture. Yes, recruiters do search by certifications and degrees (ex. PMP, MD) so if it's acceptable include it right after you name. Join high-traffic groups for your industry, as well as recruiter groups. This will enable recruiters who are also part of the group to message you for free (without using up their InMails). This post was originally published at an earlier date.Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a Work It Daily-approved expert.
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