3 LinkedIn Secrets That Will Help You To Get Noticed by Recruiters

3 LinkedIn Secrets That Will Help You To Get Noticed by Recruiters

I’m sure you’re already well aware of the great resource that LinkedIn can be to your job search, but did you know there are actually a few things you can do on LinkedIn that will help you to be noticed by recruiters? Here are three little-known facts about LinkedIn that will help you increase your visibility and receive more interest from recruiters and employers. Related: 7 Tips To Best Utilize LinkedInRecommendations Matter The majority of job seekers utilizing LinkedIn do not realize the importance of having recommendations on their profile. Whenever you apply for a position that is posted on LinkedIn the employer receives a snapshot of you with that application—not your full profile. Here’s an infographic that outlines exactly what an employer or recruiter sees when you apply to their job posted on LinkedIn. On that snapshot they’ll see how many recommendations you have on your profile. 90% of people have 0 recommendations, which means there is no third party to validate your experience, what you offer a potential employer, or what you’re good at. Most people do not provide recommendations without being asked. Make sure you ask for them. LinkedIn recommendations are verifiable references that potential employers can read that support your personal brand—and they have a positive influence on recruiters and employers. Story Vs. Resume A common misconception I hear from job seekers often is the belief that their LinkedIn profile must mirror their resume exactly. The belief is that employers are looking for an exact match between the two, and if they don’t match up, then it will send up a red flag. This simply is NOT true. In fact, I’ve spoken with hundreds of recruiters and employers, and they tell me they go to LinkedIn to find out MORE about you. How can they find out more about you and what you do if all you’re giving them is what they’ve already read on your resume? On the contrary, give them more! There are countless studies that tell us the effectiveness that stories have on our brains and their ability to engage us and to help us remember. Write your career story in your LinkedIn profile. Use the summary to share with recruiters why you do what you do, why you’re great at it, and how you got to where you are and what you want to do next.

  • Career stories engage the reader
  • They’re memorable
  • They make it easier to connect
Three great reasons to change your profile from a second resume into a reflection of who you are, what you do, and how you bring value to others. Publish Become your own best marketing director. Start writing subject matter content and publish it to your LinkedIn profile. As your content is read and shared it will attract the attention of recruiters and employers. Use the publishing platform on LinkedIn to share about your expertise in your industry and how you’ve overcome challenges (write about a specific situation and how you addressed it). You can use the platform and the knowledge you possess to write articles that will help others—and in helping others, you’re helping yourself by increasing your LinkedIn exposure and attracting the attention of employers. These aren’t the only three ways that you can attract attention and get noticed by recruiters and employers; there are many other ways to do so, but I’m only skimming the surface. What’s your favorite go-to strategy for being noticed by recruiters? I love to connect and network. Feel free to send me an invite on LinkedIn here. You can also find me at Great Resumes Fast, where I help busy job seekers create interviewing-winning resumes, shorten their job searches, and increase their earning potential. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a Work It Daily-approved expert. You can learn more about expert posts here.Photo Credit: Bigstock
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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