
15 Questions To Ask Before Making A Career Change

Man asks himself some questions before changing careers

If you're considering a major career change, you may find the process a little overwhelming at first. To help organize your thoughts and feelings on the topic, ask yourself the following 15 questions.

Questions To Ask Before Making A Career Change

Woman thinks about making a career change


Remember to answer thoughtfully and honestly. This is for your eyes only. Also, be sure to write your answers down. Putting abstract thoughts and feelings into words can help you identify what's really going on and it adds a tangible element to the reflection process.

1. What is it about my current career that isn't working?

2. What does this new career offer that my current career doesn't?

3. What does this new career ignite in my soul?

4. How does this new career align with my core values?

5. What are the long-term opportunities associated with this new career?

6. What skills or resources will I need to take advantage of these long-term opportunities?

7. Who do I know who is already in this career and can give me an honest "insider's" perspective?

8. Will my friends and family support this new career endeavor?

9. How long will it take to make a comfortable living in this new career?

10. Do I have the financial resources to make this new career work? If not, how can I get what I need to feel secure?

11. What struggles can I predict in my transition to this new career?

12. What can I do now to minimize these potential struggles?

13. What specific experience do I hope to gain in this career move?

14. How will my previous experience help me in this new role?

15. Is this career move one step in a larger plan? If so, what does this new career need to provide in order to help me move forward?

Now that you have all your answers to these questions, you can better position yourself for a successful career change! It's all about being honest with yourself and getting clear on your goals. Once you do that, the whole process becomes so much easier.

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This article was originally published at an earlier date.

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