'Right Fit' Job: Guide To Finding Work You Love

'Right Fit' Job: Guide To Finding Work You Love

Once again available (for FREE) to CAREEREALISM readers is my e-book, Your "Right Fit" Job: Guide to Finding Work You Love. The guide is like having me coach you through your job search process. You will follow the same step-by-step process I use with people who get the jobs they really want. This e-book is based on two main premises: 1. You can get work you really love to do. If you're already searching for work, you know job search is a long and sometimes painful slog. I say if you are already working hard, you might as well devote that energy to getting the best possible outcome. 2. Job search is essentially a marketing campaign, where you are the "product" and the specific kind of work is your "market." Successful marketers know their product and target market really well. Using Your "Right Fit" Job, you will get to know yourself extremely well, including your "core value proposition" - what you offer employers that is unique to you and very valuable to them. You also will know what kind of job or work you want - where and how you will do your best work and be happiest. Being very specific will help you find a job. Then this resource will guide you to develop really effective marketing materials (resume, cover letter, five-second intention statement - a.k.a. "elevator speech") and a networking strategy to help you get interviews. The guide gives great advice on how to handle interviews, especially difficult questions. I also include suggestions for how to battle "job search fatigue." Does this approach work? My clients have gotten jobs using my strategy. The only difference high unemployment made was that searches took longer and had more steps, plus personal connections were more important. You can increase your chances of landing what you consider the perfect job by using the tools and methods contained in Your "Right Fit" Job. I know when you do your "right fit" work, you will be happy at work. And when you're happy at work, you'll be happier in life. Utilize this opportunity to direct your job search efforts most effectively and find the "right fit" for you. Get your copy now. Puzzle pieces image from Shutterstock

Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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