Success Wall: Clement Landed The Job!

Success Wall: Clement Landed The Job!
Land your dream job? Get a promotion? Make a successful career change? Congratulations! We want to share your inspiring story with other job seekers, hard workers, and career changers on our Success Wall - a place where we celebrate your accomplishments. Here's today's story:

Meet Clement...

Age: 29 Job Title: Field Implementer "I am very ambitious, determined, and creative person!"

His Goals

"To change jobs before the end of the year, specifically to secure a job with an international organization."

His Challenges

"Competition, there a lot of people looking for jobs these days."

His “Aha!” Moment

"I changed my resume and application letter format after I saw some tips on CAREEREALISM. The tips helped me to improve the way I write my application letters by making them catchy and attractive to make any hiring manager interested to know more about me."

His Success

"I have secured new employment since May [of] this year with an international organization."

Share Your Story!

Do you have a success story you'd like to share? Submit your story to our Success Wall and help to inspire others on their journey to success. Learn more by clicking on the button below: SUBMIT YOUR STORY ►Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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