4 Tips To Help You Shorten Your Job Search

4 Tips To Help You Shorten Your Job Search

What can be done, if anything, to shorten your job search? Getting expert career advice at the onset of a job search is critical, and can shorten the duration of unemployment in the long run. Related:How To Land A Job Faster A career or job search coach can be your ally in a myriad of ways. Here are four:

1. Goals Assessment

Working with a coach can help you crystallize what is really important, and help you identify a job that is a best fit with personality, values and work preferences.

2. Resume And Cover Letter Development

A resume writer can write a compelling document that speaks to the issues that company and/or industry is facing, and clearly articulates your unique selling proposition (USP). A professionally written resume alone can significantly shorten your job search by positioning you for the job you truly want, and demonstrating why you are a fit for it.

3. Networking And Job Search Strategy

A trained coach will arm you with the tools to create a job search strategy (blueprint) for your search which will drive your daily, weekly and monthly activities and take the guesswork out of a confusing and frustrating search.

4. Interview And Salary Negotiation Preparation

As you’ve probably heard a million times before, it is optimal to prepare and rehearse answers to “Tell me about yourself” and other common (or less common) questions in advance of an interview. A coach can help you fine-tune these answers and morph you into an interview-acing machine (okay, a bit overboard, but you get the idea). Career coaches abound just about everywhere, but make sure the one you pick can clearly articulate the benefits you’ll receive out of your relationship together. And, if all else fails, go with your gut; after all, many of the best decisions are made this way. This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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