Quick Tips: What To Do After A Layoff

Quick Tips: What To Do After A Layoff

What do you do after a layoff? What first steps should you take towards finding new employment? After all, the price of unemployment is pretty steep. The length of unemployment for the average worker is 10 months, and it generally takes executives longer than that to find new positions.

Tips For After A Layoff

Here is some professional career advice on practical steps to take after a layoff:

1. Get A LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a valuable job search tool because thousands of recruiters regularly search this social networking site for candidates who meet their criteria. Put yourself in a position to be found by a recruiter by placing your profile on this site. An added benefit of LinkedIn is you can search for jobs on that site and immediately see who you are connected to who works for the company that has the vacancy. This allows you to network your way into a company instead of simply applying for a job online and hoping to hear from them.

2. Distribute Your Resume To People In Your Network

Particularly for people who you may have a worked with a few years ago, you need to give them a resume so that they can see what you have done most recently. This is also critical for references so they can speak knowledgeably on your behalf.

3. Join A Professional Association

A professional association is the best place to find people who are already in your field who have connections to organizations that hire people in your field of expertise. You can raise your visibility in an association by taking on a leadership role. Virtually all associations are looking for people to volunteer to serve on committees. Taking on such a task gives you deeper connections with others in the association that go beyond merely passing out a business card at a monthly meeting. People have an opportunity to see your work ethic and will be more inclined to recommend you for openings they know of.
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