
Meet Andi... Unemployed And Touched By Cancer

Meet Andi... Unemployed And Touched By Cancer

For the next three weeks, we will share stories of job seekers who have applied for a scholarship (see the application form here), so you can see how important it is that we get them the help they want and deserve, but can’t afford. Meet Andi: Q: What’s the hardest part about unemployed long-term?A: I feel the longer I am unemployed, the harder it is to find employment again. As a Human Resources professional myself, I know (from experience) that employers prefer candidates that are currently employed. I've followed the advice and have remained as active as I can (volunteering, doing contract work, etc.), but have not yet been able to find employment.  It really bothers me that I can't get an offer of employment. I have been getting interviews but always seem to come in second or third... The rejection really starts to erode my self-confidence. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong (if anything). Some of my colleagues have found employment in a short period of time. The longer I am unemployed, the worse my financial situation becomes leading me to worry more and more. I worry that I'm going to end up homeless and can't understand how I could go from a six-figure position to living like this.  On top of everything, my husband is also unemployed and has been battling cancer for the last three years. He had been declared "cancer free" but we recently found out the cancer has returned. This, obviously, puts more pressure on me to find employment. I feel like such a failure. My career/position was part of my identity and now I don't know who I really am. HELP!!Q: What have you been doing to look for work so far?A: Responded to job postings (active). Read all kinds of material on job searching, inteviewng, and so on. Made numerous contacts through LinkedIn, former colleagues, friends, etc. Networked. Volunteered.Q: Why do you feel our Job Search Accelerator Program can help you?A: I've come very close to landing a new position but always seem to lose out to someone else. I get interviews and second interviews so I feel I must be doing something wrong or not doing something to really "Wow" the hiring manager(s). I have some friends who have been offered positions on the spot (something rare but obviously not impossible). I feel I could really use some help in my job search. Andi* is one of the 30+ scholarship applicants we have received since launching Allies to the Out-of-Work. Want to know how you can help job seekers like her? Harnessing the power of the micro-fundraising site, Indiegogo.com, we launched a campaign to raise $10,000 that will give 100 long-term unemployed people a full scholarship to our Job Search Accelerator Program (JSAP). This program is helping hundreds of people find work. However, it’s not something we can give away for free. So, we are hoping to get donations from those of you out there who: A) Have been out of work recently and know how hard the job search really is. B) Know somebody long-term unemployed and want to sponsor them. C) Care about getting Americans back to work and on their feet.

Your Turn

If you're interested in helping out job seekers in need, please donate to Allies to the Out-of-Work and help them get back on their professional feet. Learn more here... DONATE NOW ►Photo Credit: Shutterstock*Name changed