Aspirin vs. Vitamin? Which One is Better for Job Search?

Aspirin vs. Vitamin? Which One is Better for Job Search?
Recently, I wrote an article for LinkedIn that got a lot of attention. In it, I challenged job seekers to ask themselves if they were promoting themselves to employers as either:
  • Aspirin
  • Vitamin
My point was to prove a lot of very nice, kind, pleasant, hard-working job seekers are not getting hired because they are marketing the wrong thing about themselves. Are you making the same mistake? Read my article using the button below and evaluate yourself and your job search. You may need to change your medicine! READ THE FULL ARTICLE ►Image Credit: Shutterstock
Woman thinking about her career goals

The new year is here! For many of us, January is the perfect time to reflect on our lives and set new goals, hoping to become better versions of ourselves. Most people make personal resolutions, like getting in shape, quitting smoking or drinking, or learning a new language. But what about career resolutions?

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