Learn how to attract top talent easier and faster.

Learn how to attract top talent easier and faster.


Employer Brand Course


Learn how to reveal your employer brand to the world and attract the best possible talent.

DIY course + Access to our online private community

  • Access To Our Private Slack Community For EMPLOYERS
  • Access To Our Team Of Experts Who Will Review Your Content
  • (1) In-Depth Course To Educate Employers On How To Reveal Their Employer Brand
  • (1) Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Create Content Using Canva
  • (6) Additional PDFs That Will Help You Understand The Importance Of Employer Branding And Will Tell You The Kind Of Content You Should Be Creating


Recruiting Course


Come work with trusted recruiting experts so you can be the recruiting HERO of your company.

Where recruiters go for elite-level courses, coaching, and community.

  • Work With Top Industry Pros
  • Access To Exclusive Recruiting Video Course
  • Private Community Of Fellow Recruiting Pros
  • Questions Answered Within 2 Business Days
  • Discounts on Technology & On-site Training/Consulting
  • Employment Branding Assistance
  • Part Of An Elite Program


Course Bundle


Get access to both our course, "How To Launch A Killer Employer Brand" and "RecruitHUB 2.0"

This bundle includes the following:

  • Access To Our Private Slack Community For EMPLOYERS
  • Access To Our Team Of Experts Who Will Review Your Content
  • (1) In-Depth Course To Educate Employers On How To Reveal Their Employer Brand
  • (1) Step-By-Step Tutorial On How To Create Content Using Canva
  • (6) Additional PDFs That Will Help You Understand The Importance Of Employer Branding And Will Tell You The Kind Of Content You Should Be Creating
  • Work With Top Industry Pros
  • Access To Exclusive Recruiting Video Course
  • Private Community Of Fellow Recruiting Pros
  • Questions Answered Within 2 Business Days
  • Discounts on Technology & On-site Training/Consulting
  • Employment Branding Assistance
  • Part Of An Elite Program

Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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