Career Change

Find Out The Best Time For Your Next Career Move Using Astrology

Find Out The Best Time For Your Next Career Move Using Astrology

Have you ever looked up at the sky and stars and wondered, “Will someone please answer an important question about my career?"

  • “When will I receive a big promotion?"
  • “I'm tired of working for other people. When should I start my own business?"
  • “I'm in a dead-end job. When is the best time to find one that's better?"
  • “I want to be an engineer, investment banker, senior manager, president, or entrepreneur. When will I achieve success?"
  • “I'm in the wrong career. When will I find the career right for me?"

The Secret To Understanding What's Happening In Your Career

You can find the answer to your questions by knowing which planet is transiting through your 10th House of Career. (Note: To learn where your personal transits are – see the end of this article.) Transits are “astrological" events that affect every area of your life including your career. A lucky transit may bring a big promotion. Another transit may bring you an exciting new career opportunity. Yet, another transit may lead you to make a career move you'll regret. Here's how your career may be affected by the five transiting planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto:

Jupiter Transit: Lucky Time For A Promotion Or A New Career!

If you have this transit in this area of your life, congratulations! You've got a great year ahead of you in your career. In your current job, this is a lucky time to win a promotion by letting employers know you have a desire for greater responsibility where you can produce more success. If you want to find a job, expand your current business, or start a new business, you'll find new customers ready to buy what you're selling. Make sure to be out networking, making contacts, and taking interviews because this is where you'll hear about great opportunities to advance your career or expand your business.

Saturn Transit: Re-Evaluate Your Job Or Career

During this transit, you'll harvest the rewards for all your hard work. Now is when your diligence and preparation will pay off and you'll receive that big promotion. You may also get feedback from your employer (or customers) about your job performance that will help you realistically evaluate whether you're doing the work you're meant to do. In fact, a crisis may occur that will force you to make a change in your career or business. You will now re-evaluate your actions, so you can let go of any unproductive behavior that is interfering with your ability to be successful.

Uranus Transit: Look For Excitement And Freedom In Your Career

During this transit, you're likely to make radical changes in your career. This is a perfect time to take a career risk that may involve a job re-training program or advanced education in order to prepare for a new career. Now is when you may decide to leave the security of a job to start your own business. You're ready to break away from any career that has become dull and routine so that you can pursue one that is fresh and exciting. You will no longer tolerate accepting orders from those in authority who you don't like or respect. Be prepared for a sudden crisis in your career that disrupts it and forces you make a more liberating change that will provide you new experiences. This can result in either possibility: “Take this job and shove it!" or “Clean out your desk, you're fired!"

Neptune Transit: A Time Of Service, Confusion, And Deception

This transit is ideal if you've ever wanted to fulfill the dream of having a career where you can serve others. Now is the perfect time to reflect on your life's purpose and to find out what kind of work would give it meaning and value. Other effects of this transit may cause you to feel confused or disoriented about your career, your life's purpose and where you're headed. What's happening is that your orientation is changing from a desire for your own material success to “how can I be of service to others." Be aware that under this influence you may encounter dishonesty and deception with people involved in your career. Because Neptune's influence can bring misunderstandings in communication, trust your intuition. If you notice any unusual interactions with people, confront them diplomatically about what has occurred.

Pluto Transit: Transform Your Career And Fulfill Your Ambition

During this transit, you'll be intensely concerned with your life's purpose. You're drawn to a career where you can improve people's lives. If you've been in a job that doesn't seem to matter and isn't satisfying, this is the perfect time to make a radical change and pursue a new career. Of course, if you aren't clear about your ambitions and what you want to achieve in your career, this may be a lengthy period in your life when you'll change jobs often on your path to discovering the work you'll ultimately do. The positive energies of this transit give you drive, ambition, and strong will to achieve your goals. This can be when you assume authority, receive honors, recognition, and even become famous. Many powerful politicians, generals, corporate presidents, and show business personalities reach the pinnacle of their success during this transit.

Where Are Your Transits?

If you want to know where your personal transits are – to see if they are affecting you right now, go to the FREE Transit Calculator and enter your birth date. Then, read about each transit that's been discussed to learn more about "What the Hell Is Going On in Your Career?"
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