Challenge: Drink More Water

Challenge: Drink More Water

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to drink more water. Feeling tired at the office? Dealing with brain fog? Filling up on junk food throughout the day? Not drinking enough water could be to blame. It’s easy to fall into the coffee and soda trap and forget to drink more water. However, forgetting to hydrate can result in fatigue, poor concentration, food cravings, and so on. On the flip side, drinking more water can:

  • Help you focus
  • Make you feel energized
  • Make you more productive
  • Decrease food cravings
  • And so much more
Want to increase your work performance and overall well-being? Challenge yourself to drink more water today. You’ll feel refreshed, focused, and ready to go. Think about your current habits. Do you drink too much coffee in the morning? Are you choosing soda over water at lunch? Switch out some of those coffees for water, and opt for some H2O over sodas at lunch. Think water is just too bland? Add a slice of lemon to give it a little more zest. What do you do to make sure you’re hydrated? Tell us!

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