Challenge: Stop Making Excuses

Challenge: Stop Making Excuses

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to stop making excuses. When you don’t get what you want, it’s easy to make excuses for it. If you’re constantly telling yourself you don’t have time, money, or energy to make things happen, you’re allowing yourself to stay stuck. Whether you want to get a new job, earn a promotion at work, or lose 10 pounds, the only way you’re going to do it is if you stop making excuses and start taking ownership of your actions. If you really want to make things happen in your life, you need to start playing offense instead of defense. For each goal you want to achieve, you need to identify:

  • What’s holding you back and why
  • What you need in order to achieve your goal
  • A plan to make it happen
Then, most importantly, you need to make it a priority in your life. If you forget the importance of your goal, you’re more likely to make excuses on why you can’t make it happen. For example, let’s say you hate your job and want to find a new one. You have a busy life, so you keep putting off your search and telling yourself that you “don’t have time” to look for a new job. Instead, MAKE time. Even if you only block off 30 minutes a day, make your job search a priority in your life, even if that means skipping out on something else that’s less important. Otherwise, it won’t ever happen. Today, stop making excuses for what you don’t have in your life. Instead, figure out what you need to get there and make room for it. What are your goals? How did you train yourself to stop making excuses? Tell us! Related Posts:Challenge: Give Yourself Decision DeadlinesChallenge: Perform One Random Act Of Kindness TodayChallenge: Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier  
Woman thinking about her career goals

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