Challenge: Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier

Challenge: Wake Up 30 Minutes Earlier

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to wake up 30 minutes earlier. Are you a morning person? If so, you have a gift. For many of us, getting up at the crack of dawn each morning is. a. struggle. There are so many benefits to waking up early in the morning. You have time to relax, read the paper, make breakfast, work out, and so on. It also allows you to shake off the rust before work so you can be as productive as possible. Unfortunately, for many of us, waking up early isn’t easy. In fact, it can seem downright impossible. It can be a struggle to force yourself into a new routine - especially when it's a new MORNING routine! If you take too big of a step, you’ll likely set yourself up to fail. However, if you take baby steps, you can slowly change your habits. So, instead of trying to get up at 4:30am when you typically wake up at 7am, set your alarm for 6:30am. Also, plan your morning so you can get excited about waking up earlier. Figure out WHY you want to get up earlier. It will make it that much easier to follow through if you have something to look forward to in the morning. Whether it's making gourmet waffles for breakfast or doing yoga at sunrise, find something that will get you excited to get out of bed, and do it! Tomorrow, make an effort to wake up 30 minutes earlier. In fact, try to do it each day this week! If you stick with it, it’ll be easier and easier to open your eyes when your alarm clock rings. What are your tips for getting up early? Why do you wake up 30 minutes earlier in the morning? Tell us!

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