3 Unusual Ways To Double Your Success This Year

3 Unusual Ways To Double Your Success This Year

When you feel like you’re a highly valuable asset to your organization, yet you’re bored, under-appreciated, or under-paid… what do you do?

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You know you have options… but finding a new job takes effort. Plus, what if it winds up being worse than your current position? You feel like your mind has been numbed by the boredom of doing the same thing, day in and day out… …And even though you crave more… Know you’re worth more… And truly, legitimately deserve more… It’s easy to get caught in the trap of comfortable boredom. Well, I have good news for you. These three unusual tricks for doubling your success are about to make you uncomfortable. And you’re going to like it.

The 3 Unusual Ways To Conquer Career Complaints & Double Your Success This Year

Trick #1: Write Your Own Eulogy

Here’s a fun - albeit kind of dark - way to manipulate your mind into helping you conquer challenges and double your success this year. Imagine that you live out the rest of your life the way you’re on track to do so right now. Years down the road, you start to feel that it’s time to get your affairs in order. So you decide to have some fun with things, and write your own eulogy, to be delivered by you to your closest friends and family before you pass on. What would it say? Would you be happy with the course you’ve led? Would you have any regrets? Then think about the eulogy you’d want to write. If you could do anything from now until the end of your life, and today was the last day of the “old you,” what would that eulogy say? If your desired eulogy is different than how things are looking now, then you know what you have to do - and having seen how things will be if you don’t, you’ll be pretty motivated to make it so.

Trick #2: Use The Idea Of “Pain” To Your Advantage

Here’s a fun trick I learned from a mentor. It’s based off the idea that most people will do more to avoid pain than they will to seek pleasure. So here’s what you do: Think about what you want more than anything in the world. Get specific about it, and set a goal to achieve it with a hard deadline. Then, get some help from a trusted friend. Tell them about your goal and why it’s important for you to achieve it. Ask them for ideas of what kind of punishment they could inflict upon you if you fail to achieve it, and then ask them to promise to hold you accountable - NO MATTER WHAT - if you fail. I’ve heard of people giving a friend a $1000 check, and telling them to cash it if they don’t succeed. Years back, my wife’s idea was for me to get a bikini wax if I failed to start a business by a certain date (which, believe me, was VERY motivating. Needless to say, I didn’t fail). Depending on your sense of humor and how bad you want it, you can have a lot of fun with this.

Trick #3: Get Excited About Something New

Inspiration is found by exploring the world and seeing what excites and drives you. If you’re a high achiever, but find that you’re bored or under-appreciated, then a good place to start looking for something better is the GameChangers 500 website. It’s a list of the world top For-Benefit companies, and includes inspiring organizations renowned for both empowering their employees and making a huge difference in the world. Examples include Zappos, Kiva, and Patagonia, and there are thousands more companies like this if you know where to look. However, if you’re going to apply - be sure to use modern job seeking strategies. Old school resumes don’t work in this arena, my friend. Good luck!

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert.
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