4 (Silly) Myths About Employment Branding

4 (Silly) Myths About Employment Branding

In 2016, I’ve decided to make it my mission in life to prove Employment Branding is not hard to do. I’m tired of all the hype. Information overload has made some companies cower in fear. Meanwhile, others have opted for the ‘ostrich approach’ and just buried their heads in the sand. Time to stop the insanity! I want you to clear your mind of everything you’ve been told about Employment Branding. I’m giving you a ‘do-over’ so you can start fresh. To do that, I need you to recognize and let go of the following four silly myths about Employment Branding. Are you ready? Okay, here we go!

Myth #1 - You need a comprehensive strategy to properly launch your Employment Brand.

FACT: Employment Brands aren’t created, they’re revealed. What I mean is that you need to just start doing Employment Branding so that you can learn what works and what doesn’t. Your brand already exists, but it’s up to you to find the best way to put it out there. All the planning in the world won’t help. Until you start sharing your story with candidates, you won’t really know what resonates best.

Myth #2 - You need to produce a lot of content - all the time.

FACT: Who has time to create content all day long? It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality and consistency. Determine how much time you can truly commit to your Employment Brand and then create a list and start to chip away at it. It’s better to post the time time each week then to post every day for a week, and then fail to post again for a month. The key is to set up a routine and stick to it. Which leads to...

Myth #3 - You need to be on every social media platform consistently.

FACT: It’s better to do one or two social media platforms well than to spread your time and resources too thin. Start with the most popular channels, like Glassdoor and LinkedIn. Then, as you get more savvy, branch out to Facebook and Twitter. Eventually, you’ll be ready to get creative and tackle some of the newer platforms, like Instagram or Snapchat.

Myth #4 - You need to use an employment branding “expert” to do it right.

FACT: Nobody knows what it’s like to work at your company better than YOU! Besides, our studies show 76% of job seekers want to hear about a company’s Employment Brand from recruiters and other employees. Employment Branding isn’t rocket science and doesn’t require a consultant. You can do this. Just take baby steps. And, here’s the first one you can take…

5 (Ridiculously Simple) Steps To Creating Your Employment Brand (FREE Webinar)

I’m going to be presenting a webinar that is going to breakdown, step-by-step how any company, regardless of size, location, or industry, can share their Employment Brand with talent. I’m going to take all the guesswork out of it. I’m going to make it fun. (Not kidding, I said, “fun.”) It’s going to be like ‘paint by numbers’ - but, for your Employment Brand. It’s FREE to attend. If you can’t attend live, sign-up anyways and I’ll send you the recording. Come see how to finally remove your fears around Employment Branding so you can start attracting more qualified candidates. CLICK HERE to learn more and reserve your spot! This post was originally published at an earlier date.Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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