Career Growth

3 Clues That Will Help You Find Your Dream Job

3 Clues That Will Help You Find Your Dream Job

I still get a bit angry thinking about my first job. They treated us like crap. 10 minute lunch breaks (if that), and if you weren’t running to do something at all times, you were yelled at.

Related: The Lazy Job Seeker’s Guide To Getting A Dream Job

Thankfully, that was just for one summer, and I’ve made sure I’m treated better at each job since. Yet, that experience left a lasting mark on me, and shaped who I am today. In fact, that experience is part of what drove me to write to you today. See, this is just 1 of 3 types of experiences that we’ll call “dream job predictors." And if you’re feeling a bit lost or confused about what your dream job is, or what your next step in life is, then the three types of experiences I share in this article could be the key to finding the answer. Plus, I include a free resource at the bottom that’ll help you take the next step to gain further clarity on your dream job, as well as make it a reality.

3 Types Of Dream Job Predictors

So, without further ado, here are the three types of dream job predictors:

1. It Makes Your Blood Boil

Anger is a powerful emotion, and it can be used for good, or evil. My first job made me angry beyond belief, and I swore that I would never allow myself to be treated that way again. Because of that, I got my dream job a couple of years ago, and now have my own business doing what I love - helping other people find their dream jobs with socially and environmentally responsible companies that are making a difference as well as a profit. My first job experience was a negative one, but I used it to to fuel my passion and create an awesome life, and help others do the same. So, is there is something in your life or the world that makes you angry - and you want to fix? That could be a clue to discovering your dream job.

2. A Personal Challenge

Everyone has unique challenges to face in life, and once you’ve conquered them, it can be extremely rewarding (and profitable) to help others do the same. For example, a young man might grow up quite poor, and swear that he’ll become wealthy so he can take care of his family one day. He solves that problem, and then writes a book, or teaches a course helping others solve it, too. So, what kind of personal challenges have you faced in your life? Many, I’m sure - yet, there may be one that stands out above the rest as being your purpose in life… or your dream job.

3. Pure Passion

The last dream job predictor can come from love, or pure passion about something. Maybe you traveled to Africa and absolutely fell in love with animals there, and thus decided to become a park ranger. Perhaps you love people, and naturally find yourself connecting friends with other friends for mutual benefit. With your thousands of Facebook friends, you decide to become a social media master and super-connector, helping businesses grow their online presence. And sometimes... there will be an intersection between each of these three types of experiences where they all point in the same direction - and then you know you’ve found it. So, ask yourself what makes you really angry, what are the biggest personal challenges you’ve overcome, and what are your most exciting passions. And then take the next step towards making your dream job a reality. Good luck!
This post was originally published at an earlier date.
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