
How To Get An Employer’s Attention In 20 Seconds

How To Get An Employer’s Attention In 20 Seconds

I review a lot of resumes, and they often land in my mailbox with the exact same titles: resume.doc or resume.pdf. Can you say boring? Related:How To Transform Your Resume From Vintage To Viral Try these alternatives to stand out as an interesting candidate and get an employer's attention:

1. Your Name Resume.doc — This minimum level of personalization ensures your resume will remain attached to your application. 2. Your Name Resume December 2010.doc — While this is also fairly generic, it suggests your resume is constantly changing, requiring you to date each updated version. 3. Your Name, Job Title.doc — This title utilizes the power of suggestion to show the employer how nicely your name and the job title go together. For instance, “Jane Doe, Financial Project Manager." 4. Your Name, Humorous Statement.doc — Don't try this at home unless you work in a field where creativity is the name of the game. For example, “Joe Smith, Nebraska Hula Hoop Champion 2002." 5. Your Name, Branding Statement.doc — Using a branded resume title is a powerful way to scream “Read me!" For example, “John Grisham, Bestselling Crime Novelist," or “Tiger Woods, Global Golf Champion." Remember, the hiring managers reading your resumes receive hundreds of applications for every position they post. Something as simple as a catchy document title can catch a hiring manager's eye and leave them wanting to know more! This post was originally published at an earlier date.

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About the author

Jessica Holbrook Hernandez, CEO of Great Resumes Fast is an expert resume writer, career and personal branding strategist, author, and presenter. Want to work with the best resume writer? If you would like us to personally work on your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile—and dramatically improve their response rates—then check out our professional and executive resume writing services at or contact us for more information if you have any questions. Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert.
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