Quiz: Do You Know Your Online Presence?

Quiz: Do You Know Your Online Presence?

The following is a quick quiz to test your knowledge about your . Answer true or false to the different statements and then read the correct answers below.

  1. Recruiters only search social media sites for younger, less experienced workers.
  2. You should Google your name regularly to monitor your online presence.
  3. If you have a great social media profile, employers will find you.
  4. Employers will never see anything that you post that is private as long as you have the right privacy settings.
  5. A large network will expand your reach across LinkedIn.
Here are the correct answers: 1. Recruiters only search social media sites for younger, less experienced workers. False.
“In a(n)... ExecuNet survey about reputation management and Internet presence, 86 percent of executive recruiters say they routinely scour online sources for information that goes beyond a candidate’s resume. Nearly 7-in-10 search firm consultants say that executive job candidates’ prospects improve when positive information is found online.”
(2008 Executive Job Market Intelligence Report from ExecuNet)2. You should Google your name regularly to monitor your online presence. You need to see what recruiters will see when they search for you. That way you can make any needed adjustments to your online presence. 3. If you have a great social media profile, employers will find you. False. Although you certainly need a great social media profile to stand out in a crowded job market, that is not enough. You need to drive employers to your profile with keywords that they will use to search for someone with your skill set. 4. Employers will never see any of your private posts as long as you have the right privacy settings. False. Hackers routinely gain access to what is supposed to be private information. The prime example is Facebook. A woman by the name of Ashley Payne was forced to resign from her teaching job because she posted pictures of herself drinking on a vacation in Europe. Her Facebook page is private, but somehow someone accessed her information, and she was penalized for it. 5. A large network will expand your reach across LinkedIn. True. Your second and third level connections on LinkedIn expand exponentially when you have a large network. It is much more likely someone you want to reach (i.e. a recruiter or hiring manager) will be included in your network at the second or third level if you have a sizable network. Online presence image from Shutterstock