"Recruiters around the world, whether entry level or experienced, have had to learn their craft either on their own or through industry mentors. There is a big need for tools and courses that can offer some of the core training and skills recruiters around the world can use."
— Ed Nathanson, Red Pill Talent
In this class, recruiters will learn how to...
- Source more effectively
- Reduce their reliance on technology (i.e. job boards)
- Build a reputation as a trusted recruiting professional
- Become a strategic partner with direct access to executive leadership
- Enhance their skills and feel more satisfied with their careers
- Collaborate with peers they admire and respect
Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
If you're stuck in an endless, unsuccessful search for good talent and you're ready to pull your hair out in a frustrated rage, it might be time to change up your strategy…
"This course is for those recruiters who want to make sure their skills are cutting-edge and up to the standards needed in today's intense talent market. If you want a long-lasting, successful recruiting career, these tutorials will show you what elite recruiters are mastering to stay at the top of the talent game. Investing in this course is investing in your financial future."
– J.T. O'Donnell, Founder of Work It Daily
Top recruiters know how to...
- Source talent in ways that are smarter, not harder
- Find the funnel leaks in their candidate recruiting process
- Engage talent in conversations that make them want to work for the company
- Earn trust and respect from hiring managers
- Manage their employer's reputation properly on sites like Glassdoor
- Research effective strategies to help lower their time-to-fill
Your Presenters
J.T. O'Donnell is the founder of Work It Daily, a company dedicated to helping professionals improve their careers. She has 18+ years of experience in the development and delivery of HR, employment, recruiting, job search, and career development tools and resources, and regularly consults and speaks on the subjects of recruiting and employer branding.
Ed Nathanson is the founder of Redpill Talent which specializes in recruiting and employment branding best practices. He is a regular speaker at major industry events including LinkedIn's Talent Connect and Glassdoor's Annual Employer Branding Summit.
RecruitHUB 2.0
Come work with trusted recruiting experts so you can be the recruiting HERO of your company.
Where recruiters go for elite-level courses, coaching, and community.
- Work With Top Industry Pros
- Access To Exclusive Recruiting Video Course
- Private Community Of Fellow Recruiting Pros
- Questions Answered Within 2 Business Days
- Discounts on Technology & On-site Training/Consulting
- Employment Branding Assistance
- Part Of An Elite Program
Want to learn how to launch a killer employer brand?
Enroll in our "How To Launch A Killer Employer Brand" course where you'll learn how to reveal your employer brand to the world and attract the best possible talent. If you're interested in both courses, check out our bundle offer!