Twitter Fans: Heard of a 'Twine' Yet?

Twitter Fans: Heard of a 'Twine' Yet?
Last week, I had the chance to speak to a group of executives in Boston on the subject of Executive Branding. The purpose of the event was to share how important it is for executives to showcase their subject-matter authority online as a way to establish 3rd-party credibility. After my presentation, an attendee, Leon S. White, Ph.D. approached me. In his 70’s, Leon told me he very much appreciated my passion for social media and its importance to branding. He then mentioned that in his retirement he had self-published a book on golf poetry. As he held up a copy for me to see, I mistakenly assumed this was the first Leon had heard of the social media tools I had discussed, so, I said, “That’s great Leon. Now that you heard this presentation, are you thinking about starting a blog for your book?” He promptly responded, “I already have one.” Surprised, I said. “Fantastic. Well, we should get you on Twitter then so you can promote the articles on your blog.” To which Leon responded,
“I’m already on Twitter. In fact, I made up a new thing on Twitter, it’s called a TWINE.”
At this point, I promptly sat down to my laptop in the room and looked up Leon’s work. Sure enough, he not only has the blog,, he also has a Twitter account by the same name, @GolfPoet. And better still, if you go there, you can see his twines. (Did I mention he started all this when he retired at age 69? And that was six years ago! Leon is now officially one of my career heroes. I can only hope to be as productive as him.)

What’s a 'Twine' You Ask?

A “twine” is a rhyme on Twitter. You’ve got just 140 characters (less if you are tying to a URL or adding a hashtag), to create a zippy little poem of just one line. If you visit Leon’s Twitter feed, you’ll see them in action.

Give Us Your Best Career Twine!

I think Leon’s idea is fun and brilliant. If you can master getting your point across on Twitter, why not flex your creativity and take it to the next level with a little twine? MY CHALLENGE TO YOU: Tweet a career twine and use the hashtag #CAREEREALISM. We will post the best ones on our site. Those selected will get a PDF copy of our 144-page guidebook CAREEREALISM as well. P.S. And for those of you who love golf, you’ve got to go back and check out Leon’s book. He has compiled golf poetry and used it to write an amazing account of golf and golf history. Honestly, it is the perfect gift for anyone in your life obsessed with golf. (Lucky for me, I got a signed copy at the event I spoke of!) Twitter twine image from Bigstock
Man on laptop enjoys summer while working full time

There you are: sitting on the beach, covered in sunscreen, reading your favorite book, drinking your favorite drink under the cool shade of an umbrella. Life doesn't get any better than this. Suddenly, a door slams, a phone rings, a printer turns on. You jolt back into consciousness. You're at work, sitting in your cubicle, without even a hint of sunshine streaming in from outside.

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