Job Interviews

Dos And Don'ts When Waiting To Begin Your Interview

Dos And Don'ts When Waiting To Begin Your Interview

So, you got the interview for the job of your dreams. You check in with the receptionist and they ask you to have a seat. What you do in the next few minutes can be the deciding factor on your future with the company. There are interviewers who regularly ask their receptionists what the prospective employee was doing while waiting to be called in. According to CEO Andy Ory, first impressions are generally formed while the applicant is waiting in the lobby, and they become relevant to the hiring decision between 5% and 10% of the time.

Tips When Waiting For An Interview

If the receptionist divulges you were talking on the phone or catching up on Facebook gossip, it might be the end of the road for you. This list of tips will help you, the job seeker, be perceived as ready, alert, and well prepared for the interview:

DO Sit Calmly And Quietly

Sometimes our nerves get the best of us, especially before an interview. But the most important thing to do is to stay calm and smile. Try your best to give off friendly, non-anxious vibes. Avoid channeling your nervousness into talking. No one likes a chatterbox outside the interview room.

DO Ask For Company Materials To Read

Asking to read a company newsletter or something that displays the company’s core values will definitely get you some points with the interviewer. It shows that you are interested in the company and you are serious about working for them.

DO Look Over Your Notes, Resume, References, And/Or Portfolio

If you’re not calm enough to read, quietly look over your materials such as your resume or references one last time to make sure everything is in order and correct. This will show your interviewer that you pay attention to detail.

DON'T Begin Reading Unrelated Material

While you're waiting for your interview, it's not the time to catch up on your favorite book. While some employers may not mind if you bring your own book or magazine to read, try to avoid it to be on the safe side. You also don’t want to offend anyone with any material you may be reading.

DON'T Get On Your Phone

If you wouldn't take out your phone and start texting inside the actual interview, why would you do it outside the door? This is probably the quickest way to get the boot from the list of potentials. The interviewer will probably not take you seriously if he walks out to see you tweeting/texting away on his or her time.

DON'T Start Listening To Your Music

Though sometimes music can help calm your nerves, you must resist the urge to pull out your headphones. This could be seen as disrespectful to your interviewer. If you do need music to help your calm down, listen to it on the drive over. This might help relax you and prepare you for the interview. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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