
5 Things I Wouldn't Do If I Were Looking For A New Job

Woman looks for a job on her phone

Sometimes, knowing what not to do in your job search is just as important as following the "best practices." From my experience as a career coach, I've seen countless professionals make common mistakes that can sabotage a job search. So, before you send out another application or head into your next interview, let’s talk about the five things I absolutely wouldn't do if I were looking for a job right now.

If I lost my job due to a layoff, wanted to change careers, or hated my current job, I would not do these five things in my job search...

1. I Wouldn't "Spray And Pray"

@j.t.odonnell 5 things I wouldn't do if I was looking for a new job right now... #5things #careeradvice #resume #linkedin #sprayandpray #careertok #jobsearch #edutok #jobtok #jobsearchtips ♬ original sound - J.T. O'Donnell

I would not get on a job board and start applying for everything under the sun. First of all, you don't want 90% of those jobs and there's nothing more demotivating and depressing than getting rejected from companies you weren't interested in. That's exactly what's going to happen. The average job seeker has a 10%-30% job application response rate, and 75% of resumes are automatically rejected by the ATS (source). So, don't rely solely on job boards, and don't apply for every job you see. It's ineffective and a waste of time.

2. I Wouldn't Create An Over-The-Top Resume

Man looks at a resumeBigstock

An over-the-top resume is a resume where you put everything you've ever done on it. You really try to hype yourself up. Unfortunately, it comes across as narcissistic and desperate. It's also difficult to read and usually gets you tossed. Instead, customize your resume for each position you apply for, and focus on quantifying your work experience.

3. I Wouldn't Ignore LinkedIn

Woman on phone and laptop uses LinkedIn in her job searchBigstock

LinkedIn is the number one place recruiters search for potential job candidates, and they search for them based on keywords (skill sets). So, if you want to get found by recruiters and hiring managers, you need to learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile.

4. I Wouldn't Skip Interview Prep

Man prepares for a job interview by writing down his answers to interview questionsBigstock

I would be practicing for an interview right now before even starting to look for a job. You need to know how to answer those tough interview questions because it'll help you stand out, and it can help you not only get the job but also a higher salary. Never skip interview prep, no matter how qualified you think you are.

5. I Wouldn't Forget Networking

Happy woman on laptop networks on LinkedInBigstock

Your network is your net worth. What you need to do is create a bucket list of employers you'd like to work for and start strategically reaching out and connecting with those people on LinkedIn as a way to gain visibility when you start applying for their roles. Networking is always the best way to get a job.

Of course, there are other tips and tricks I would recommend, but those are definitely the five things I wouldn't do if I were looking for a job right now.

If you would like to learn more about what you should and shouldn't do in your job search, sign up for a free Work It DAILY trial today.

Good luck! Go get 'em.
