
5 Benefits Of Creating An Online Portfolio

5 Benefits Of Creating An Online Portfolio

Online portfolios aren’t just for certain fields or industries anymore. The importance of having a professional online presence is more important than ever, and an online portfolio will certainly increase your visibility and presence. Creating your portfolio website allows you to share and showcase your work easily with the employers you’d like to work for.

5 Benefits Of Creating An Online Portfolio

Here are five benefits of showcasing your work online:

1. Professional Way To Showcase Your Work

Building a website about your brand and experience is a polished way to share your expertise with others. Websites can be more creative and innovative than traditional portfolios and are able to share with anyone in the world. Suggested resources:
  • WordPress
  • Weebly
  • Wix
  • DoYouBuzz
  • Brand-Yourself
  • Webs
  • Carbonmade

2. It's A Great First Impression For Employers

If an employer sees your website link in your signature or on your resume, they’ll likely click on it to see what you’ve built. Seeing you’ve taken the time to build a website featuring work samples, recommendations, previous presentations and more will be a killer first impression.

3. Increases Your Visibility And Online Presence

When an employer Googles your name, your professional portfolio will be one of the first search results that pops up.

4. Shows You’re More Than Just A Resume

Because of the flexibility of an online portfolio, you’re able to show your personality by choosing design, layout and the copy you write.

5. Flexibility

With the click of a button, you can change content, videos, copy and pictures on your online portfolio. You can also constantly create new content to add to your site to show your continuous learning process—whether employed or not. Do you have an online portfolio? What else would you add? Enjoy this article? You've got time for another! Check out these related articles:
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