Challenge: Give A Recommendation

Challenge: Give A Recommendation

Today’s Work It Daily Challenge is to give a recommendation. It feels good to give to others, doesn’t it? There are so many ways to give back to your community, family, friends, and colleagues. Giving recommendations is a great way to show your appreciation for them. Sharing your personal testimonial for others can brighten their day, as well as help their professional brands. Who doesn't like to hear (or read) all of the good things people have to say about them? Today, challenge yourself to give a recommendation to someone. You can do this using LinkedIn. In fact, there’s a whole section that’s dedicated for recommendations on your LinkedIn profile. Decide who you'd like to recommend, write them a brief recommendation, and then send them a message to give them a heads up. Also, make sure you offer to make any changes if they want them. Be as accommodating as possible. Remember, this is going on their public profile, and people are going to see it. You want to make sure they're 100% okay with what you've written. So, think about who you’ve worked with in the past. Who really stood out to you? Who really made a difference? What were their skills? What are their best character traits? Why were they great to work with? Answer these questions and write a brief recommendation for at least one person in your network. They will appreciate the gesture, and heck, they might even return the favor, if you’re lucky! When was the last time you thought to give a recommendation to someone? What's the best recommendation someone has given YOU in the past? What made it so great? Tell us!

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