Hello, here's my social media. My message to hiring managers: I'm a nincompoop. This obviously should NOT be your approach during the hiring process.
Whether you love it or hate it, the social media is here to stay. It doesn't matter if you are an active poster or not. Your history of posts and current likes make a statement about who you are.
In fact, according to recent research by CareerBuilder, companies REALLY do take time to look at your social media accounts. Statistics show that 70% of employers use social media to "check out" their candidates during the hiring process, and 43% of employers even use these digital tools to check on their current employees.
So, what should your social media accounts say about you?
"Dear hiring manager, I'm an appropriate and professional person with relevant skills and hobbies."
Because it's not just about resumes anymore. All things considered, pause before you post. Think about what you're going to say and what message you may be sending to future employers. This isn't only important when you're job hunting, but can be crucial at any time in your career.
Here are three ways you're surely scaring off hiring managers with your social media accounts:
1. You're Posting Inappropriate Content
Inappropriate content includes:
- Provocative or offensive, videos, photos, gifs, and memes
- Showcasing your drinking or drug habits
- Discriminatory comments towards race, gender, or religion
- Criminal behavior
- Lying about your credentials (where you went to school, who you worked for before, etc.)
Do we need to say more?
2. You're Bad-Mouthing An Employer Or Co-Worker
In reference to credentials, do not, under any circumstance bad-mouth your previous company or fellow co-worker. No matter how bad your experience was in your past jobs, share it in private.
Do not share confidential information about your previous employer as well. This could be things like client information or internal practices. Why? Because other companies could steal this. Also, in some cases, it could be illegal.
At the same time, we get that you're human and may need to vent from time to time about a bad work experience. Let it out! Write it down. Talk to a friend. Just don't post it online for the world to see.
Even if you delete it later, there's always a digital footprint.
3. You Don't Have Any Social Media (Or Your Accounts Are Old & Outdated)
Believe it or not, not having ANY social media can be a bad sign to employers.
With the age of digital information overload, employers want to know a bit about who you are. You are someone outside of your resume. They are also trying to dig up some digital dirt on you. This is not to make you fearful or nervous of course, but to make sure that they have a candidate that will work in the best interest of the company.
So, if you're a more reserved person, try to at least have one LinkedIn account, for example. Make sure you're actively using your LinkedIn account, so you have some control over your personal brand.
If your additional social media accounts are outdated, delete them or update them.
Find out why you're being shut out of the hiring process! Watch our FREE masterclass on the #1 Job Search Killer now!
Remember, social media rookie mistakes could cost you the job of your dreams and you would never even know it!
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