In a world where business is now conducted online on a regular basis, it's no surprise that virtual job fairs are becoming very common. In this week's Weekly Update, we'll tell you what you need to know about attending a job fair from your computer.
How To Prepare For A Virtual Job Fair
The virtual job fair is not a new concept, but it's certainly more commonplace now in a world where social distancing is being practiced to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
LinkedIn recently talked to recruiters about what the virtual job fair experience is like. The recruiters say the virtual job fair experience can vary. Some job fairs are just an online list of employers looking to hire that links to a virtual booth where representatives from the organization discuss what positions they're looking to fill, while other online job fair platforms allow you to have video chats with representatives from the company, according to LinkedIn.
While the venues for these job fairs have changed, two things haven't: the goal and the preparation.
The goal for attending a job fair is to make connections and potentially land a job, and a job seeker should prepare for a virtual job fair just like they were attending one in person. It may take a minute to adjust to the video setting, but between Zoom meetings, online networking, and remote job interviews, most of us are getting plenty of video experience.
Preparation Is Key
Try to get sense of what companies are going to be at the virtual job fair. If you have a bucket list of companies that you want to work for, you'll want to know if any of them are going to be attending the virtual job fair. In some cases, it pays off to do a little networking before the event, particularly if you're looking to speak with a bucket list company.
For those companies that you're not familiar with, it's important to do as much research as possible. It may not be as easy to cover as much ground virtually at a job fair, so it's important to make your efforts as intentional as possible. Have a good list of companies that you want to touch base with going into the job fair.
Make Connections
Going to a job fair isn't always about immediately landing a job! It could lead to one shortly after, or it can be an important first step in your job search process.
The important thing is to make a strong first impression and meet some new connections. One of these new connections could remember you if another position opens up at the company, or even recommend you to someone else.
Dress For Success
Even though the job fair is online, you should still dress nice. It's the same as a virtual job interview, you may not be there in person, but you still want to dress professionally.
As long as you're prepared, taking part in a virtual job fair can be a positive step in your job search process.
Good News Of The Week
There's a lot going on in the world right now, but if you look hard enough, you can find positive stories on a daily basis about people and businesses volunteering to make a difference in their communities.
Whether you're a college student looking to pick up some extra experience, or a seasoned professional looking to give back, volunteering is for everyone.
There was even a recent study done that indicates doing at least two hours of volunteer work a week helps the overall health of adults over 50 by keeping them active and contributing to their emotional well-being.
Even as the world continues to deal with COVID-19, there are still many volunteer opportunities available, you just have to look hard for them and be aware of your local policies and restrictions. For example, many food banks are seeking volunteers as a result of increased demand during COVID-19.
If you're looking for volunteer opportunities, you could always reach out to your professional network to see if they know of any. You may even inspire a few people by asking. It could also be beneficial to suggest a few community service opportunities to your employer.
If you've always been itching to volunteer, now may be the perfect time to start.
Resource Of The Week
Are you struggling with the job search process and don't know what to do? Have you ever considered getting a career coach?
For some, the idea of getting a career coach creates a lot of uncertainty. They immediately have questions about the cost and how it works.
Here at Work It Daily, we can tell you that cost shouldn't be a major concern because with us it's very affordable. As for how it works, how about you give it a try and find out!
We're offering a FREE 3-day trial of our membership to give people an idea of what they can gain from joining our career growth club.
Work It Daily has a team of trained career support specialists that will work one-on-one with you to come up with a specialized plan to help you. All of our memberships offer private one-on-one coaching along with unlimited networking potential, and a library of exclusive career courses. Additionally, you'll also receive unlimited resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile reviews by our trained specialists as part of your membership.
Give the 3-day trial a try, you have absolutely nothing to lose!
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