3 Social Recruiting Problems HR Should Worry About

3 Social Recruiting Problems HR Should Worry About

I have to give a big shout out to JobVite.com for creating this infographic on the history of Social Recruiting. It’s so important to visually see where we’ve been, and more importantly, where we are headed! As a former staffing executive, reading this infographic gave me flashbacks! It also made me realize there are three things every HR person should worry about with regards to their social recruiting.

The Top 3 Social Recruiting Problems

1. Company Career Sites Need To Be Simplified

Today’s job seekers have social ADD. Therefore, they have to be really ( I mean REALLY) excited about your company’s job opportunities to be willing to click through your antiquated career pages and a long application process online. As you see in the infographic, if your career page isn’t easy-to-navigate, user-friendly, and makes registration simply, you are losing talent. SOLUTION: Today, job seekers expect you to create compelling content about your company and to push it out over social media channels so they can learn more about your “cool factor.” This gets them excited about your company and more willing to deal with your lengthy application process.

2. HR Needs To Have Marketing Expertise

With 49% of employed job seekers using social media to find their next job, we have to be savvy marketers who can lure top talent away from their current employers. SOLUTION: Understanding where your best talent hangs out online and creating compelling content about your company that inspires them to want to work for you is the single best way to get them to apply to your jobs.

3. Reputation Management Should Be A Top Priority

Social media makes it easy for your current employees and customers to refer you to potential talent - but that doesn’t mean they will. Your online reputation should be sending the right message as a way to increase referrals. SOLUTION: Creating compelling content that makes employees and customers proud to be associated with you is the best way to get them to spread the word via social media about what a great employer you are. The good news is that all three of these concerns can be alleviated with the same solution: Compelling content about your company that can be pushed out on social media, otherwise known as, “Employment Branding.” If you aren’t putting aside time and resources to start to consistently build a set of digital assets (i.e. videos, blog posts), as well as a strategy to send them viral, you are putting your company behind the times. Don’t miss the boat on the future of social recruiting. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to catch up!

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock
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