Why You Haven't Been Promoted At Work (Even If You Work Your Butt Off)

Why You Haven't Been Promoted At Work (Even If You Work Your Butt Off)

You go into the office every day and work your tail off. You do everything you're told. You even exceed expectations on a regular basis. So, why haven't you been promoted at work? Maybe it's because you haven't actually ASKED for one. As an employee, you need to think of yourself as a business-of-one. You are a service provider. The company hired you to perform a service. So, when you want to get promoted within that company, you need to explain to the employer why you need a service charge increase. You need to justify the higher expense. The first step is to ask yourself, “What have I done to EARN this promotion?" Think about all of the projects you've done, all of the expectations you've exceeded, and all of the times you've gone above and beyond what was asked of you. “If you want to make more money, you've got to prepare them for that fact," said career expert J.T. O'Donnell. Once you can justify a pay increase, you can sit down with your manager, present all of the ways you're adding additional value to the company, and ask for a promotion. However, most people aren't ready to receive a promotion when they want one, according to O'Donnell. In that case, you STILL want to have a conversation with your manager, only the goal will be to ask what you need to do in order to earn a promotion in the future. That way, you can work together to figure out the best way to make this happen. So, if you haven't been promoted at work, even if you're working your butt off, you need to be proactive and ask for one. If you're not ready for one, work with your manager to figure out what you need to do to earn one.

Want to get out of your career rut?

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