
Quick Chocolate Chip Oat Energy Bites To Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth At Work

Healthy chocolate chip oat energy bites for work

If you're looking for a quick and healthy snack to replace those sugary treats at your desk, we've got just the recipe for you!

These chocolate chip oat energy bites call for only a handful of ingredients and are very simple to make. No baking required! They're great to eat before a workout, or to bring to the office.

So, check out the recipe below for a satisfying snack to munch on during your workday!

Chocolate Chip Oat Energy Bites

1/2 cup oats

1/4 cup chocolate chips

1/4 cup flaxseed

1/4 cup nut butter

3 tbsp. maple syrup

dash of vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, and mix until the consistency becomes dough-like. If needed, add more oats to soak up the extra moisture. Then, take the dough and roll into inch-width balls.

After you finish, put the bites in the fridge, and enjoy once chilled!

We hope you like this quick snack idea perfect for those long afternoons at work. Satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way!

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Note: Individuals should always speak to their physician before making any significant dietary or lifestyle changes.

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