How many times have you applied for a job via email by sending the employer a copy of your resume and cover letter? We're going to venture a guess and say at least 20 (but more likely hundreds of times) if you've been searching for any significant length of time.
Here are some of the most notorious cover letter mistakes we've seen when job seekers apply via email, and what you can do to greatly improve your chances of being noticed (make sure you remember these as you write your disruptive cover letter!).
1. Attaching The Cover Letter To The Email
What's wrong with that, you ask? Most hiring managers aren't going to open the cover letter and read it. They'll go straight to the resume instead. Want to ensure your cover letter gets read? Copy and paste it into the body of the email. Whoever received the email will be much more likely to read it if it's already right there in front of their face.
2. Writing Your Whole Life Story In The Body Of The Email
Don't go overboard with details. The hiring manager won't be willing to invest a lot of time reading your email. Keep it short and to the point. Avoid repeating your entire resume. Overloading your email with unnecessary details can make it feel more like a chore than an opportunity.
3. Providing Information Not Relevant To The Position
Here is a great example:
When I want to bring an additional resume/cover letter writer on staff, I'm not looking for someone with technical writing expertise, article writing skills, or journalism savvy. Those forms of writing aren't relevant to what we do here. I want a writer who has extensive expertise and certification in resume writing. If someone goes on and on in their cover letter (or in the body of the email) about all their other writing experience, they will lose my interest. Instead, I want them to tell me about their most relevant experience as it relates to my needs. I want them to tell me about any resume writing experience they have.
Give the hiring manager a brief overview of the most relevant experience you have, appropriate to the position they are trying to fill. This will pique their interest—rather than lose it.
4. Excluding Information They've Specifically Asked You To Include
Depending on the position, the employer may ask you to submit a sample of your work, portfolio, hours of availability, or even salary requirements. Whatever it is they've asked you to include, make sure you include it in your cover letter. If not, you will most certainly be removed from consideration for failing to follow instructions.
Following instructions and acknowledging everything the employer has asked you to address in the job posting not only saves the employer time but also makes you look good. Double-checking your cover letter and application against the job posting ensures you’re not accidentally overlooking a crucial detail. Remember, the extra effort it takes to tailor your application can often be the difference between landing an interview and getting passed over. Don’t let a simple mistake cost you a great opportunity.
5. Not Using A Cover Letter At All
We've received emails from applicants, and the body of the email provides either little or no information whatsoever. Some simply state, “Here is my resume for your review." You are selling yourself short by not including at least a brief introduction, especially if the employer outlines specific requirements.
Take the time to write, “I see you need someone with availability to work nights and weekends; I would enjoy working these hours and am available to do so," or “I have included a sample of my work for your consideration along with my resume. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me."
6. Forgetting To Tell Them Why You're The Best Fit
Your cover letter isn’t just a formality; it’s your opportunity to connect the dots between your skills and the employer's needs. If you only summarize your resume or offer vague statements, you miss the chance to show how your unique qualifications align with the company's goals.
Be specific: highlight a key accomplishment, mention a relevant skill, or explain how your experience can solve a problem for the company. Without this personal connection, your application may blend into the background of a crowded inbox.
7. Using A Boring Closing Statement
Instead of using the same old boring line, spice it up a bit. One of the more daring cover letter closings we have read closed with, “Call today, don't delay." We applauded her boldness and had to call her. The closing was confident and feisty, and it certainly grabbed my attention. Not to mention the entire cover letter addressed everything she brought to the table as a potential employee and how these elements were relevant to meeting our needs.
Boring the hiring manager with details not relevant to the job opening—or not making the most of the space and time you're getting—is really to your detriment. Instead, take the time to write something catchy, relevant, and targeted to the position for which you are applying. Sure, it may take a few extra minutes to tweak your cover letter, but in the end, if you get the interview, won't it be worth it?
A strong cover letter shows not only your qualifications but also your enthusiasm and understanding of the role, which can set you apart from other candidates. Think of it as your first impression—it’s your chance to stand out, make a connection, and leave the hiring manager eager to learn more about you. So avoid these seven common cover letter mistakes when applying via email, and give yourself the best shot at landing the job you want.
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