
Why This Type Of Job Search Never Works

Serious woman looks for a job on her laptop

I hear stories all the time about job seekers applying for almost every job they come across in their job search. My advice? Stop. Here's why...

That type of job search doesn't work.

The "Spray & Pray" Job Search Method Isn't Effective

@j.t.odonnell why this type of job search never works... @j.t.odonnell @workitdaily #learnontiktok #careertiktok #edutok #jobsearch #jobtips #jobapplication #careerhacks #careeradvice ♬ original sound - J.T. O'Donnell

In order to actually find a job that's a good match for you, you need to stop applying online to random, out-of-state jobs that you're not exactly qualified for. If you do this in your job search, you're basically not looking for work at all.

And I know that's hard to hear.

We think we have all this experience—that employers will look at us and think, "Oh, this person would be a great fit for the job." That's not how it works.

First, if you're not in state, they're thinking, "When will I interview you?" Second, if you don't have the exact experience, they're thinking, "I don't have time to train you. I'm already far behind."

Employers want to hire the exact match for the job. That's why you're not getting any responses.

Now, all hope isn't lost. You just have to learn something called a proactive job search, which is a more strategic job search than the "apply for every job" type of job search (I call it the "spray & pray" method). Think of yourself as a job shopper instead, which is actually a lot more fun and effective.

If you want to learn how to conduct a proactive job search, check out my FREE community. It's a safe place where professionals like you are learning how to become empowered in their careers so they can finally find career happiness and satisfaction. More importantly, I have tons of resources inside this community that can help you find a job—fast!

Whatever you do, please stop the insanity of blindly applying for jobs. It's not doing you any favors. All it's doing is frustrating you. And you don't deserve that.

Need more help with your job search?

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